Album Description
Tiger Moth Tales is essentially the brain child of Nottinghamshire based musician and writer Pete Jones. Previously known for writing and performing adult contemporary music, at the beginning of 2013 Pete began work on a progressive music project. In an effort to rejuvenate the creative process he went back to the music he had listened to in his childhood with bands such as Genesis, Queen etc. Also he was taking influences from the modern progressive bands Frost, Big Big Train, Haken, and Progressive stalwarts such as Steve Hackett and Roin Stolt.
The project took the form of a concept album, and was the first progressive music Pete had written since he was a teenager.
"It all happened by accident really. One day I sat down to try and write a song, and ended up with the beginning of a prog song about Trumpton. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but as I tried to focus more on conventional music, I kept getting more and more ideas about songs on childhood subjects and in my head it was all prog. It seemed there was nothing for it but to see the thing through and see what happened." (Pete)
Throughout 2013 Pete continued to write and record new progressive music and by the end of 2013 "Cocoon" the new album was complete.
"The name Tiger Moth Tales comes from various references, one of which is from Steve Hackett who is one of my biggest influences in this field. Having written the album, i've turned on a creative tap which I thought had run dry along time ago, and i'm already working on ideas for new prog. It seemed like a good idea to have a band name as it clearly differentiates between my prog output and the pop stuff I brought out before. Also it would be nice to colaberate and include other musicians in future albums, so a band name feels better from that aspect too. It allows room for expantion." (Pete)
This breath taking new album is a departure from Pete Jones' previous output, but also a return to the music of his youth and the free form ideas which used to fuel his compositions as a child. Anyone who has fond memories of their childhood will appreciate the feelings and emotions captured in this fresh, yet timeless piece of writing.